Plant and Maintenance Documentation
syneris supports maintenance in many ways. The entire technical documentation plus CAD plans can be easily managed. This includes versioning and read-only access to selected content.
Schedule and Task Planning
Appointments for (recurring) tasks, inspections and malfunction reports can be distributed and completed in the system. Evidence is stored directly in syneris for court-approved plant documentation.
To communicate with other systems, syneris can be connected with existing IT solutions. A direct link from a maintenance software like SAP PM to syneris allows to manage additional or interdepartmental information.
syneris APPs
The syneris offline apps support evaluation activities or plant inspections, even if there is no internet connection. Data can be synchronized subsequently.
Example of Use – SAP PM
Linking SAP PM maintenance software with syneris enables the immediate display and processing of the related drawings and documents from any SAP PM object at the push of a button.
An additional button from the SAP areas “Functional location” and “Equipment” is provided to navigate to syneris. Subsequently drawings and documents can be viewed and edited in syneris.
The syneris preview provides instant viewing of drawings and documents without the need for the originating software.
Convenient Document Access
+ Automatic import and reconciliation of the SAP PM structure in syneris.
+ Start of syneris with corresponding object number of the SAP PM object by using a button at the functional location/equipment
+ Displaying the syneris PM structure
+ Drawing & document preview by powerful syneris preview
+ Manage and edit document types (e.g drawings, documents) via the PM structure of syneris
+ Transfer of drawings and documents by automated import routines, by drag & drop or directly from the scanner into the syneris PM structure.
+ Creating plot jobs for transmission to the plot manager.
+ Version control
Web Presentation Project Management, Plant & Maintenance Documentation
Learn how to manage projects, assets and objects. NOTE: In German only!