Electronic Instructions

Icon electronic Instruction Manage Electronic / Digital Instructions with syneris

Recurring instructional content can be created from existing documents or corporate information. Learning content can also be provided by integrated eLearning modules. The content is then distributed to individuals, roles or groups.

The persons to be instructed are informed by email about an upcoming instruction or training session. By an integrated link learning content can be accessed and completed directly on a Web Client.

The contents can be commented, confirmed, or signed. In doing so, the legal requirements are complied with in the best possible way.

The person in charge and the individual user have an overview of upcoming, completed and future instructions or trainings at any time.

syneris Assignment Matrix

Instructional content is conveniently assigned to entire departments or individuals by mouse click. Instructions can be done either digitally or in person.

Assigning of instruction content
Online instruction: completion status with traffic light function.

syneris LMS Client

The syneris LMS client (learning management client) provides an individual overview of upcoming and completed lessons for each employee.

All lessons and the respective progress (represented by traffic light function) are neatly arranged.

Integrated eLearning Modules

The learning content can be provided using multimedia formats and also with integrated eLearning modules.

Instructions with integrated eLearning modules
Unterweisungen WebClients

Intuitive Web Clients

The intuitively designed syneris Web Clients (confirmation client and LMS client) have individualized access and include the ability to check for understanding, monitor success, and provide feedback. The person in charge can track who, when, and what content was imparted by using queries.

Learn more about syneris WebClients

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eLearning, Instruction